6 thoughts on “One-eyed Jack, pirate cat

  1. Minuscule Moments

    He is so cool, have you used water colour? I am working on my illustrations for a children’s book using water colour pencils both with water and pencil and then artline pen. I was told pencils do not scan at the best quality. Judy have you had any experience with this?


    1. Judy Watson Post author

      I haven’t heard of any problems with scanning either watercolours or pencils. Although I do think it’s hard to get a professional look with colour pencils. Some can do it. It helps if the pencils are good quality and have sufficient pigment. Prismacolour are great for colour pencil use but as to watercolour pencils not sure which is the best brand. This pic was actually done all digitally using a drawing tablet in Photoshop. It was done for a friend in response to an email, so in that case the digital medium is what comes to hand…. Too lazy to walk around to the drawing board? :-) Good luck with you work. With pencils – try for a balance between softness and strength.and make sure your lines are confident and right before you get lost in adding colour i.e. don’t let your colouring in dictate your artwork. If the lines are wrong, no amount of perfect colouring can conceal it. You probably know all this….



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